Thursday, June 09, 2005

Not too late to impeach Bush and Cheney

Interesting how the universe works, how ideas are picked up by the collective unconscious and expressed at the same time.

I wrote my last post on June 4, and not two days later Gary Steven Corseri publishes a piece entitled, Liberate America! 25 Reasons to Impeach George W. Bush on and reprinted on Signs of the Times today, making the same analogies to the American War for Independence and the overthrow of King George III's rule over America, but stating condsiderably more reasons for impeachment than I outlined below. Great minds think alike, yes?

We're extremely late in an attempt to impeach George Bush and his gang of thugs. We should have been outraged enough to oust them when they stole the 2000 election, and maybe the tragedy of 9/11 would have never happened. But, it's never too late to run a tyrant out of office.

Not that I think my measley letter will do much good, but I'm going to e-mail my senators and congressman requesting that they begin impeachment procedures and link to this article. If everyone who believes that George W. Bush is guilty of the crimes laid out in Corseri's article would do the same, we might have a greater effect. The roar of our voices must be heard over the massive propaganda machine that this administration has created. Otherwise, we are doomed to repeat the experience of Germans under Nazi fascism.

"I'm late. I'm late. I'm late for a very important date," said the White Rabbit. Must get writing.


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