Saturday, February 26, 2005

The Family Meeting

This past Sunday, I had called a family meeting to discuss the state of the union, as I saw it, and what the family might do as a group to prepare ourselves for the coming Fascist States of America. Well, let's just say it went better than I expected it to, although some of the invited family members didn't show for various reasons.

My mother and step-father, my sister and brother-in-law and my husband and me sat all afternoon and talked about the very things I'm discussing here on the blog. Each were in different states of awareness. They listened patiently as I went through the evidence stored in my mind on 9/11, the war on terror, PNAC (see previous post), the coming economic crash, the coming state of fascism in America, mind-control and many other topics that relate.

We all agreed that we didn't like what our government was doing in our name. All have been against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan since the beginning, all are liberal in their thinking, but none were quite able to grasp the terror of the situation. Sis had a hard time believing that King George and court are lying about the elections (2000, 2004), about 9/11, about these pre-emptive wars, all to suit a hidden agenda and run by an admitted secret government. Brother-in-law worried that they don't have enough extra capital to join with my husband and me in a venture toward a safe haven outside the U.S.

We agreed to keep the dialogue going on this subject and to pay attention to the signs, but that's about all we agreed upon. We also agreed that an income producing property would be better than one that's not -- producing income, that is.

We talked about various countries where we could go. I had decided already that Canada and Mexico are out after reading on From the Wilderness that both countries had signed extradition treaties with the U.S. in 2003 to send draft dodgers back to the U.S. (geez, I wonder what King George's court knows that we don't). Having three draft age boys and three soon-to-be draft age boys made these two countries out of the question. Latin American countries, such as Belize and Costa Rica, were discussed as possibilities.

Those in the family of my parents' generation (65+) will not consider leaving the U.S., but some of them at least agree that it might make sense for those of my and my children's generations to get the heck out of Dodge while the getting is still good. Regardless of whether the family joins us in this venture or not, my husband and I have decided that we will pursue moving out of the country, as soon as we possibly can.

We don't think we can change the course that King George has set, not even with our now useless vote. We no longer wish to support this government in any way -- not with our tax dollars, not with our compliance, not with the shirts off our backs.

Move, Neo, now...


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