Tuesday, March 01, 2005

"Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore..."

No, Dorothy, apparently we're not. We've taken a deep dive into Munchkin Land (translate that to La La Land, the illusional world of the media), the house has fallen on the Wicked Witch of the East (communism, perhaps?), and here's Glenda the Good Witch of the North to give us a pair of ruby slippers (the key to returning home). What the heck will I do with a pair of ruby slippers?

We'll need our brains, our hearts and lots of courage to follow the yellow brick road, navigating the coming perils, as we expose the man behind the curtain (Daddy, Cheney and friends) and thwart the Wicked Witch of the West (Condi, perhaps? She certainly looks the part.).

Thomas Franck has written a book called What's the Matter with Kansas? How Conservatives Won the Heart of America. In it he explains how the largely blue collar citizens of Kansas came to vote solidly Republican and to possess a deep animosity toward the left, when in its early days the state was a hotbed of leftist activism. According to Franck, this has become a fairly self-defeating strategy for the average Kansas worker. Franck maintains that the conservative establishment has tricked Kansans, playing up the emotional issues, such as abortion and gay rights, while rarely ever discussing the Republicans' actual economic policies and what they mean to the working class: fewer jobs, lower pay, union suppression, fewer safety regulations, less concern for the environment, etc.

To a great extent, Franck maintains, Kansas has become a microcosm of what's happened to the entire U.S. We've been bamboozled, hoodwinked, brainwashed with phony family values, while the Neo-cons are draining our pocketbooks -- left and right.

And that's not all they've been brainwashing us with. Have you heard of the HAARP project? Have you seen the growing number of chemtrails that criss-cross the sky lately? Did you know that the government has long had the ability to beam thoughts directly into your brain on ultra-low frequency waves? They're using this technique now in Iraq, as they microwave entire areas of Baghdad, as reported recently in the media. Take a look at this article, The Canary in the Mine, by Laura Knight-Jadczyk, that offers data on how HAARP and chemtrails are linked to mind control of the masses.

And the mind control continues with diet, health, pharmaceuticals, education and almost every realm of our existence. The plan is to dumb us down and fatten us up with flouride, pesticides, bio-engineered food, preservatives, sugar, television, video games, cell phones, psychoactive drugs, drugs in general and heaven only knows what else. The dumber the better to suit the plan of the Evil Magicians, the Architects of the Matrix.

"War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength."

-- George Orwell, 1984


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