Saturday, June 04, 2005

America, where is the outrage?

My fellow Americans, I ask you, "Where is the outrage in this country over what King George and his cohorts have done and will surely keep doing to further their goal of world domination?" Let's recount just a few of their war crimes, certainly worthy of impeachment.

First, a domestic attack on their own countrymen that killed some 3,000 on September 11, 2001, so that they could set the stage for what was to come -- a fake war on terror against a fake group of Arab terrorists. The evidence is becoming overwhelming that this was and is the case. I, for one, cannot believe that the CIA doesn't know where Osama Bin Laden is and have said all along that, if even still alive, he's likely residing in a CIA safe house somewhere, to be brought out when it's convenient for King George's entourage to profit from his being found.

Next, pre-emptive strikes against Afghanistan and Iraq that have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis and Afghanis -- all to gain control of the world's oil and a geo-political hold in the Middle East. Never mind that they lied to us about the reasons for these strikes, which has now been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Now, there is the torture of prisoners at Guantanamo and Abu Graib -- alleged enemy combatants who are being held without charges, without communication with lawyers, without hope of a trial -- in violation of the Geneva Conventions and everything we hold dear in the U.S. Constitution.

America, where is the outrage?

There was another King George that our ancestors once rebelled against to win the war for independence -- King George III of England. His crimes of taxation pale in comparison with our modern day King George of America. Our ancestors, those we consider patriots, fought to throw off the tyranny of King George III to establish what WAS the greatest democracy of modern times -- over stamp and tea taxes. Where is the outrage over the crimes against humanity George Bush commits today?

And like King George III, our own King George seems to be slipping further into delusion and madness. Can he not see that he's driving our country into bankruptcy -- both moral and financial -- despite his supposed born again Christian faith and fiscally responsible Republican party affiliation? Can he not see that the world doesn't "hate us for our freedoms"? If they hate us, it's because of our arrogance, brutality, bullying and down right tyranny. We have become exactly what our forefathers in the thirteen colonies fought to repel.

America, where is the outrage?

As our democracy crumbles, and it has been crumbling for some time now, even before King George's reign with the administrations of Reagan, Bush the Elder and Clinton, many of us have begun to see the parallels between the House of Bush and the rise of Hitler. Recently, I read an article on about a man who is moving his family back to Germany because he sees happening here in America exactly what happened during the rise of Hitler in Nazi Germany. His story is told in Holocaust Survivor Leaving US - Sees What's Coming:

"No," he answered me. "I'm going back because I've seen this before." He then commenced to explain that when he was a kid, he watched with his family in fear as Hitler's government committed atrocity after atrocity, and no one was willing to say anything. He said the news refused to question the government, and the ones who did were not in the newspaper business much longer. He said good neighbors, people he had known all his life, turned against his family and other Jews, grabbing on to the hate and superiority "as if they were starved for it" (his words).

He said he was too old to see it happen right in front of his eyes again, and too old to do anything about it, so he was taking his family back to Europe on Thursday where they would be safe from George W. Bush and his neocons. He seemed resolute, but troubled, nonetheless, as if being too young on one end and too old on the other to fight what he saw happening was wearing on him.

There was no outrage among the German people at what Hitler was doing, as he pumped up their sense of superiority and patriotism by pummeling them with propaganda (sound familiar). And, as the old man in the article said, the news media in Nazi Germany didn't dare speak the truth of what was happening for fear of being put out of business. It's no different today with the vast majority of the news media towing the party line, spitting out government propaganda as if it were real news.

I guess the question now, Alice, is will we let this deranged psychopath and his band of merry thugs continue to bully the world and strip us of our last vestiges of freedom? Or will we stand up and fight against tyranny, as our forefathers once did? Will we stay silent as our government continues its atrocities, just as the people of Germany stayed silent as Hitler massacred millions of leftists, labor unionists, socialists, activists, and, yes, Jews?

I say we adopt the Queen of Hearts' solution: "Off with their heads!" Impeach and try King George and his handler, Dick Cheney, for the war criminals that they are. Now, before it's too late!

America, where is your outrage?


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