Saturday, March 05, 2005

Newspeak: Nothing but Mind Control

I ended last post with a quote from George Orwell's 1984 -- the three slogans of the Proletariat -- and we can see these being manifest in our own time. King George talks of "war" for "peace," how we are bringing "freedom" to Iraq and Afghanistan, when in reality, we're bringing "slavery" to corporatism there and in every country whose freely elected or not government was overthrown by the CIA. And we see how the Architects (the Powers That Be or PTB) are trying to convince us that "ignorance" is "strength" ("build stronger, whiter teeth by drinking flouridated water," which as been shown to negatively affect brain functioning, or "keep watching that television with evermore exciting things to learn," while we're inundated with sensational news designed to shock us and breed fear, not to mention the advertising and outright propaganda).

Just as in the book 1984, the Proletariat was stamping out thought entirely by creating a new language, called "Newspeak," so too are the PTB trying to control our language to put the most positive spin on their profiteering. Witness this article at Common Dreams by Nancy Snow, called The Language Police: Gettin’ Jiggy with Frank Luntz. She writes:

"If you need any more confirmation that America is the numero uno propaganda nation, look no further than the GOP language meistro Frank Luntz, who has produced a memorandum of “The 14 Words Never to Use.” Thanks to the Internet and the blogosphere, we mere mortals can get our grubby mitts on what the conservative elite persuader Luntz is doing to scrub our brains free of individual thoughts."

Well, Orwell missed the mark by about 20 to 30 years, but I think 1984 has finally arrived by the looks of it, don't you, Alice? Politically correct speech, government paying for advertising and now, Luntz's "14 Words Never to Use." Where will it stop? It won't -- unless we stand up and say, "I'm not going to take it anymore." I'm turning off my television; I'm switching to flouride-free toothpaste; I'll eat as much eggs, meat and cheese as I like without worrying about high cholesterol; I'll smoke as many cigarettes as I like without worrying about cancer; I'm not going to allow these psychopaths to dictate what I do with my free will; I will give the lie what it asks for -- the truth. If we, as a country and as human beings, do not stand up en masse and pretty soon, we will end up like Winston Smith at the end of 1984, basically a vegetable. We're already almost there. Just look around you.


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